Sunday, August 26, 2007
Grandma's birthday!
Yesterday was my Grandmother's birthday and we, unfortunately, couldn't make it over to visit. (Living five blocks away, you'd think it'd be easy! lol) We ended up going to visit today, bringing chips and veggies and fruit along with us. We usually bring Pizza or fried chicken, but my Grandmother asked us to bring healthy food since my Grandpa really isn't in the mood for greasy food. No problem!

We get there with about 5 grocery bags, my daughter complaining about walking up the 8 stairs to get to my grandmother's door and my mom complaining about me not carrying my daughter. (Yes, at 6 months pregnant I'm going to carry a 27 pound kid, carry three grocery bags, a diaper bag, my purse, and juggle the ice cream cake with the other hand.) Finally we got to the door! lol It seemed like forever of walking up those 8 small stairs!! My daughter runs in, starts making a mess everywhere, (my grandmother is OCD about cleaning, keep in mind!) I manage to get the food on the table and unpacked from the bags and realize there are NO fans.

Note, my grandparents do not believe in air conditioning and just usually have two box fans from 1970 something. (If not 1960 something!) They have one ceiling fan that's installed in the ceiling but not hooked up to any electricity, so that's a lost cause and waste of money!!

I ask where the box fans are, and my grandmother says that they put them away because of the cold weather the other day. Okay, great, but it's freaking 90 degrees today. My grandmother says that there's a "beautiful breeze" which I didn't feel through sweating from body parts I never knew could sweat! So here I am, dying of heat stroke, having to run and chase my 22 month old through a house with nice furniture and nice things that could break, all the while sweating and feeling like I'm about to pass out right then and there. It was a nightmare.

At least my daughter tired herself out and just went to bed, a little earlier than her bed time, but that's okay. I'm about to lay down and pass out on my own bed for the night, but I can't because I have so much else to do. Ugh. I hate the heat. I wish it was 50/60 degrees again. That was beautiful!!

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posted by Mom to Princesses at 6:08:00 PM -
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About Me
My name is Krissie or Jessie. Call me whatever you want to! My friends do. :) I'm 22 years old and I live near NYC. I'm a mommy and have one on the way on Christmas Day! I'm a work at home customer service agent, and I make my own jewelry for profit as well. I'm a certified tax professional for H&R Block, though I am not working there at the moment. I love computers, art, cell phones, purses, getting my nails done, going to concerts, hanging out with my friends, going to NYC, I LOVE th Broadway musical Rent. (Obsessed!) I'm just a fun person. :)
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