Thursday, September 6, 2007
Almost ready to start my job!
I received an e-mail from my accountant that my LLC has been filed with the state of NJ. I received my Employer Identification Number (EIN) by e-mail and signed my agreement with Arise Inc. My training is almost over, I passed my two exams, and now I'll be able to work with Apple Computers and Walgreens 24 hr service within the next two weeks!! I start Apple training on September 19th and Walgreens training after that. Anything that I can make is something, especially since I haven't gotten child support in two weeks.

I also signed on to be an Avon & Mark Rep. I'll see what I can do. I know I can't make any big money with Avon/Mark, but pocket change is great. Just something to add to the girls' savings account. I've been saving in Alayna's since I was pregnant with her. I'm trying to save for Olivia's as well.

Alayna's birthday party has been booked for October 6th! We're having it at the Chelsea Playground in Staten Island. It's an indoor playground/playplace with dress up, etc... She loves the place and I think it's going to be successful!! Sending out invitations tomorrow morning! We also found a place for my baby shower. The Armory Inn in Staten Island. I'm going there tomorrow to book that place and then sending the invitations out as soon as I can. I'm going to be 25 weeks soon, so I really need to hurry. Alayna was born at 35 weeks, and my OB believes that I'll probably have Olivia early. Baby shower is October 20th.

I'm going to go stuff my face with Chinese food, now. I have hardly eaten all day! I was doing training this morning, so I didn't even eat breakfast until 1pm. LOL! :) I'm just so glad I'll be making some money, again. This pregnancy has been hard because I couldn't work.

Edit: lol!! I forgot...I'm so mad!! The iPhone is now $400. I paid way too much for it! My friend e-mailed me and just told me that the $100 reimbursement they're giving is just a gift card/credit to the Apple or Cingular store. I thought I could get a check or something. (So did he, apparently. lol) Ugh. Stupid Steve Jobs.
posted by Mom to Princesses at 7:50:00 PM -
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About Me
My name is Krissie or Jessie. Call me whatever you want to! My friends do. :) I'm 22 years old and I live near NYC. I'm a mommy and have one on the way on Christmas Day! I'm a work at home customer service agent, and I make my own jewelry for profit as well. I'm a certified tax professional for H&R Block, though I am not working there at the moment. I love computers, art, cell phones, purses, getting my nails done, going to concerts, hanging out with my friends, going to NYC, I LOVE th Broadway musical Rent. (Obsessed!) I'm just a fun person. :)
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